Ranch Services
Weed Control Services for Pasture, Range, & Forest Land
Offering you the best weed control services for your pasture, range, and forest land in Colorado
Noxious weeds pose a real threat to our Colorado native vegetation. There are many invasive species that can crowd out and take over pasture, range and forest lands if you don’t take a pro-active approach. Noxious weeds can thrive due to a lack of natural controls and their ability to adapt to unfavorable conditions. As responsible land owners, and according to state, county and city governments, you have a responsibility to identify noxious weeds and develop a management strategy.
Available Services
- Noxious weed control services
- Tree Care including
- Fertilization
- Insect control
- Disease control
All of weed control services are oversaw by a qualified supervisor licensed for Turf, Ornamental, Rangeland, Right-of-Way, and Forest Pest Control.
Protect Your
The Importance of Noxious Weed Control Services in Colorado
What is a Noxious Weed?
In 1996 the Colorado Noxious Weed Act (Title 35, Article 5.5) was passed to control noxious weeds in the state. “Noxious weed” means an alien plant or parts of an alien plant that have been designated by rule as being noxious or has been declared a noxious weed by a local advisory board, and meets one or more of the following criteria:
(a) Aggressively invades or is detrimental to economic crops or native plant communities;
(b) Is poisonous to livestock;
(c) Is a carrier of detrimental insects, diseases, or parasites;
(d) The direct or indirect effect of the presence of this plant is detrimental to the environmentally sound management of natural or agricultural ecosystems.
Plants are prioritized as List A, B, or C species by the Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA).
List A: Rare noxious weeds that must be eradicated statewide.
List B: Discretely distributed noxious weeds that must be eradicated, contained, or suppressed, depending on their location, to stop their continued spread.
List C: Widespread and well-established noxious weeds in Colorado; control is recommended by the state and may be required by local government.
(Borrowed from the El Paso County Noxious Weeds and Control Methods)

The Colorado Noxious Weed Act
Allows city and county governments to implement management plans to control noxious weeds and protect land not yet affected.