Weeds Everywhere?

Example of bindweed

While rain is known to make the grass grow, it has a similar effect on weeds. It is not uncommon after heavy rains to see new weeds start to pop up in the lawn and beds. We have had double the amount of precipitation this year than last. Due to this, you may be seeing a lot more weeds than usual.

Example of lambsquarters weed

First and foremost, it’s important to realize that some breakthrough is going to happen even with the very best lawn care program. Realistic expectations are important when it comes to addressing weeds.

You have to give professional weed control products time to work. You should wait at least 10 days following an application before contacting us about breakthrough. Certain weeds can take longer than others to die. The more actively that weeds are growing (during prime growing season), the quicker control products will work. But during other times of the year, growth and results could slow down.

Sometimes weed breakthrough is just a matter of natural season changes. Homeowners might think that their lawn looked fantastic in the spring but when summer rolled around they suddenly had a bunch of weeds they didn’t have before.

It’s important to recognize that when weather conditions change dramatically, so can weed growth. Since there are different weeds that are problems at different times of the year, seasonal changes can lead to weed changes, too. Some properties are just plagued with some really tough weed varieties that only appear during certain times of the year—or during certain weather conditions.

Example of bindweed

5 Types Of Lawn Weeds You Need To Know In Colorado

Important info about lawns

Dramatic weather fluctuations in temperature and humidity cause real problems to your summer lawn. Daily temperatures in the upper 80’s or low 90’s directly contribute to our cool-season grasses shutting down to protect themselves resulting in brown or tan patches in your lawn. High heat also contributes to fast drying of the soil which speeds up the browning in a normally green lawn.

Lawns really prefer temperatures in the 70’s, so grass browning is a normal part of summer. Even with adequate soil moisture, high heat slows lawn growth and the typical lush lawn you had in the spring fades to lighter shades of green. July and August can be brutal on lawns, especially if you are mowing too short and have not been diligent in preparing your lawn in the spring and even the previous fall for summer weather.

Thin lawns or those predisposed to quick drying, perhaps with a higher sand content or southern exposure means the soil will become very hot, leading to crabgrass germination and annual weeds like spotted spurge, oxalis, black medic, and purslane. These heat-loving weeds will pop up in a short time, barely noticeable until they begin filling in thin or bare areas within weeks. Spurge is particularly aggressive and will literally grow up and over your lawn like crabgrass. Crabgrass thrives in hot and dry weather, seemingly growing inches overnight under ideal summer conditions. We offer a crab grass treatment. Contact the office for more information.

Are You Struggling With Out Of Control Weeds In Colorado? J. Rick Lawn & Tree Can Help. 
Contact Us Today For A Free Quote.